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Bathroom Cleaning in Streatham - The Professional Way

Posted on 29/04/2015

What is the Best Way to Clean a Bathroom?

Cleaning your bathroom in Streatham is not an easy task, but the job has to be done. It is surely nobody’s idea of fun and so we tend to skip it for shopping and even gardening. If it is too laborious a task for you then it is best to assign it to a professional cleaner. Yet it becomes essential to clean and maintain it between visits from the cleaning company. Follow these awesome tips to keep your bathroom clean.

•    Get rid of the clutter
Clear all the surfaces and set aside the shampoos and soaps. Throw away empty bottles of hair products and shower gels. Set aside any items on top of the toilet tank and move out the rugs. It is easier to clean in Streatham, SW16 if you have a blank canvas and without having to wade through multiple items lying around. Now start cleaning the countertops and then sweep the floor. Mop it to give it that shiny look.

•    Give the shower curtain a rinse
This is a task you can do on a weekly basis when you are done with your bath. Now that you are cleaning the bathroom, take down the shower curtain and toss it for a wash. Make sure you use a gentle cycle with cold water. Don’t put it in the dryer! Instead, hang it up to dry.

•    Use a bathroom cleaner
Invest in a heavy-duty bathroom cleaner for your home in the SW17, it can help in getting rid of the germs and giving your bathroom a clean look. Spray the cleaner onto all surfaces including the toilet seat and around the bowl. Let the product stay for some minutes and then wipe it clean with a sponge.  

•    Get rid of the limescale
If the faucets look dull because of too much limescale then here’s a tip that can do wonders. Simply soak a paper napkin in vinegar and wrap it round the faucet. Use a rubber band to secure it if needed. Leave it for an hour while you complete the rest of the bathroom cleaning in your home in the SW16 district and the wipe it off with a moist cloth. Use a brush to tackle any stubborn limescale.  

•    Flush it clean
Use a toilet cleaner around the bowl to eliminate any ring stains that may have formed. Leave it for about 15 minutes and then scrub it off with a toilet brush. Flush it clean.

•    Scrub clean the shower
Spray the shower with a cleaning agent that can tackle mildew. You can use a brush to clean the gaps between shower tiles, try using an old toothbrush.  

•    Maintain it
Cleaning your bathroom in Streatham once a month is not sufficient. You need to maintain it in between with a weekly touch up to keep it looking and smelling good. Simple steps like rinsing the shower curtains after bath or leaving the toilet cleaner sprayed on the bowl overnight can help a great deal. Keep antibacterial wipes handy in the bathroom closet so that you can use them during the week to clean the countertops.

These are some easy ways to get domestic cleaning done, but it is essential to also maintain it thereafter. If you are too short of time to get the bathroom cleaning done, it is best to get it done by cleaning contractors. The professional cleaners will be able to give your bathroom the clean and shiny look that it desperately needs.

Barrington Castle
Barrington Castle

With expertise in organizing Eco-friendly cleaning services, Barrington is also a competent writer, focusing on various subjects related to carpet cleaning, home cleaning, and commercial cleaning.

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